Tuesday, 23 December 2014

SAY NO TO BAD LYRICS CONFERENCE by DoTheDream Youth Development Initiative

The programme started with National Anthem said by Chiamaka a mentee of DoTheDream Youth Development Initiative and a member of DoTheDream Youths Yabatech.

She was joined on the stage by the leader DoTheDream Youths Yabatech, Timi Oshinowo and they both anchor the event. The programme which started at 11:30 am on the 13trh December at Yusuff Grillo Auditorium, School of Arts Yabatech has many young upcoming artiste in attendance with keen interest in learning how to get to the top of their career listening to great icon of entertainment industry that are not  subscribing to Bad Lyrics.

The first presentation by Nelson Izah mentee of DoTheDream Youths and a student  of Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Delta state on SAY NO TO BAD LYRICS. He took the youths through the impact of bad lyrics among young people and the effect on human mind and life. He further encourages every young personality in the present to pay attention to their life knowing that music is more than the beats and it is morĂ© than the rhythms.. He explained the reason why music
is more than the beats and why the lyrics has to be taking into cognizance whenever listening to any music.

The second Speakar is an international/award winning Sokleva Olaitan Hughes of Roof Top Mcs spoke on your words and your future. He explains how important our words affect our future. He explains how what we do affects the people around us and sometimes what we say affects people for good or evil. He advises every upcoming artiste to emulate their acts of becoming the agent of change through their lyrics as against becoming the destroyer.

The second speaker was on air personality of Nigeria Info- Fola Folayan. She spoke on Your Word and Your World. She commented the organizers for putting such as awesome programme and welcome every young person to the event.

Her presentation inspires the need to recreate our world with the investment of our personality. She encourages everyone to be more deliberate about their choice of songs knowing that music is more than the beats and more than the rhythms.

The programme ended with attestation on Responsibility board by the youths and the icon


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