Adepeju Jaiyeoba is the creator of Mother’s Delivery Kits. The ultra-sterilised delivery kit which she introduced in Nigeria improves mother and child survival by almost 100% at childbirth.
In the 2013 Save the Children ‘State of the World’s Mothers Report’ on the
best and worst places to be a mother, Nigeria is ranked near the bottom of the list, 169th out of 176 countries surveyed. With a doctor patient ratio of 1:6,400, more than 70% of deliveries are carried out by Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs).
Adepeju saw nylon bags replace sterile gloves, toothpaste replace disinfectant and rusty blades, knives and even glass used to severe umbilical cord. This increases infection risk, asphyxia, sepsis and other related causes resulting in completely avoidable deaths.
A sterilised delivery kit at childbirth, complete with an immunisation schedule, antenatal and immunisation reminder forms and a system of setting up linkages with trained TBAs and skilled birth attendants is creating positive change.
In fact, they have a 100% safe delivery record. They have sold 6,000 kits in six months, saving 6,000 women and babies in rural communities. No new cases of maternal and infant deaths have been recorded by the pregnant women or health facilities that use the kits.
There is a 70% increase in antenatal and immunisation attendance in communities where they work, as their kits comes with an immunisation calendar which allows women to request for immunisation and antenatal reminders.
They now have a network of 140 Traditional Birth Attendants’ (TBA) homes, 25 Primary Health care Centres, 40 private hospitals and one university teaching hospital registered for the constant supply of the kits
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