a visitor to the UN Mission's base outside Bentiu, in Unity State,
would see a sea of blue-and-white tarpaulin tents and hastily erected
stalls. The base has become temporary home to some 63,000 civilians
seeking protection from the cataclysm of violence that has gripped the
new state of South Sudan since the outbreak of the political crisis in
December 2013. The town of Bentiu itself remains deserted, its main
dirt road lined with the grim evidence of an ongoing war in the absence
of a final peace agreement between government and opposition forces.
story is repeated across the country. Today, more than 130,000 are
being protected by UN peacekeepers in seven bases, with civilians
continuing to arrive at UN protection sites as they flee unimaginable
suffering and grave human rights violations.

This is the case in Mali, where
peacekeepers strive to bring stability while bearing the brunt of
violent attacks from armed groups. Since the establishment of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
in July 2013, 36 peacekeepers have been killed, and more than 170
others have been wounded in hostile incidents alone. It is also the
case in the Central African Republic,
where we are seeing encouraging signs following the 2013 breakdown in
law and order and widespread ethnically motivated violence. Here, 10,000
UN troops, police and civilians are on the ground, supporting efforts
to bring the country back onto the path of peace, good governance and
stability. Earlier in May, the country adopted a peace pact that
reflects the people of the Central African Republic's aspirations to
put the conflict behind them once and for all. Our peacekeepers battle
inhospitable terrain and an almost complete lack of infrastructure
every day to react quickly to flare-ups of violence that, if left
unchecked, could threaten this fragile peace.
Over the course of
nearly seven decades, UN peacekeeping has proven itself to be a
legitimate, reliable and effective means of protecting civilians and
facilitating the transition from conflict to peace. In countries like
Liberia, Timor-Leste and Bosnia Herzegovina, peacekeeping has played a
critical role in helping stabilize countries as they seek to rebuild.
Today, more than 125,000 military, police and civilian staff
carry on this work in 16 peacekeeping operations worldwide, our
largest deployment in history, serving as a testament to the
international community's faith in peacekeeping as a tool for bringing
peace and security.
But for UN peacekeeping to continue
responding effectively and robustly to the conflicts of today and
tomorrow, it needs a strengthened international partnership and the
willingness of all to share the burden and risk. In environments where
peacekeepers are directly targeted, where widespread violence is
ongoing, or where thousands of civilians need protection from
unthinkable acts of violence, peacekeeping operations must remain fit
for purpose. Our missions require well-trained and skilled troops from a
broad array of countries. When crises erupt, they must be ready to
deploy more quickly to where they are most needed. And to confront the
unique challenges of this century, peacekeepers require the tools and
capabilities of this century. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
unarmed, unmanned aerial vehicles are being used to improve
situational awareness, serve as a deterrent to armed groups and improve
mandate delivery and the safety and security of our personnel. In
Mali, an innovative Information Fusion Cell is improving the
information-gathering efforts of the peacekeeping mission as it
confronts determined non-state actors and armed groups. As we honor the
126 peacekeepers who died in 2014, these tools help our Blue Helmets better protect themselves and vulnerable populations
renewed engagement of all member states of the United Nations is
critical. This process has already begun and will receive a major boost
in the margins of this year's General Assembly, where the
secretary-general and several world leaders will co-host a summit on UN
peacekeeping. For its part, UN peacekeeping is determined to be more
innovative, more flexible and more cost-effective. With an annual
budget of just under $8.5 billion -- less than one half of 1 percent of
global military spending -- we are working to increase our value for
money and using new approaches to implement our mandates more
effectively and efficiently.
Peacekeeping missions deliver
because they represent a convergence of interests that is the
fundamental concept behind the United Nations. At a moment in history
where new crises and conflicts emerge constantly, the stakes for
peacekeeping are higher, and the consequences of failure are dire. The
people of Bentiu, like the populations protected by missions around the
world, today deserve a UN peacekeeping institution that is an
effective tool of international peace and security. More than ever,
today, UN peacekeeping needs global support.
Find out more at
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