WNTD globally celebrated on May 31, is a day set-aside by WHO for
people, governments and Non-Governmental Organisations to organise
various activities to make people aware of the health problems
associated with tobacco use.
This year, WHO is calling on countries to work together to end the illicit trade of tobacco products.
The NHF in a statement yesterday said: “The 2015 WNTD calls for
celebration in Nigeria as our former President, Goodluck Jonathan signed
the anti-tobacco bill into law, just two days to his handover to a new
government. This is a major achievement for NHF and all the tobacco
activist groups in the country.
This is a campaign we started 12 years ago and had been actualised by
the ex-President’s signing of the bill into law. “We thank Jonathan as
the signing of this Bill will provide for the regulation of advertising,
promotion, and sponsorship of tobacco or tobacco products in Nigeria.
“The commemoration of WNTD will hold at the office of the United
Nations Information Centre at Ikoyi. The focus will be on youths who are
the main targets of tobacco manufacturing industries who believe in
catching them young and making them smokers for life.”
Meanwhile, the WHO in a statement said eliminating the illicit trade
in tobacco would generate an annual tax windfall of US$ 31 billion for
governments, improve public health, help cut crime and curb an important
revenue source for the tobacco industry.
Those are the key themes of World No Tobacco Day when WHO will urge
member states to sign the “Protocol to Eliminate the Illicit Trade in
Tobacco Products.” “The protocol offers the world a unique legal
instrument to counter and eventually eliminate a sophisticated criminal
activity,” says Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.
“Fully implemented, it will replenish government revenues and allow
more spending on health.” So far, eight countries have ratified the
Protocol, short of the target of 40 needed for it to become
international law.
Once that happens, the Protocol’s provisions on securing the supply
chain, enhanced international cooperation and other safeguards will come
into force.
The Protocol is an international treaty in its own right negotiated
by parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO
FCTC), which has been ratified by 180 Parties. Article 15 commits
signatories to eliminate all forms of illicit trade in tobacco products.
The Protocol requires a wide range of measures relating to the
tobacco supply chain, including the licensing of imports, exports and
manufacture of tobacco products; the establishment of tracking and
tracing systems and the imposition of penal sanctions on those
responsible for illicit trade.
It would also criminalise illicit production and cross border
smuggling. “The Protocol faces overt and covert resistance from the
tobacco industry.
Manufacturers know that once implemented, it will become much harder
to hook young people and the poor into tobacco addiction,” says Dr. Vera
da Costa e Silva, head of the WHO FCTC Secretariat.
The illicit tobacco trade offers products at lower prices, primarily
by avoiding government taxes through smuggling, illegal manufacturing
and counterfeiting.
Cheaper tobacco encourages younger tobacco users (who generally have
lower incomes) and cuts government revenues, reducing the resources
available for socio-economic development, especially in low-income
countries that depend heavily on consumption taxes.
This money might otherwise be spent on the provision of public
services, including health care. While publicly stating its support for
action against the illicit trade, the tobacco industry’s
behind-the-scenes behaviour has been very different.
Internal industry documents released as a result of court cases
demonstrate that the tobacco industry has actively fostered the illicit
trade globally.
It also works to block implementation of tobacco control measures,
like tax increases and pictorial health warnings, by arguing they will
fuel the illicit trade.
“Public health is engaged in a pitched battle against a ruthless
industry. On this World No Tobacco Day, WHO and its partners are showing
the ends that the tobacco industry goes to in the search for profits,
including on the black market, and by ensnaring new targets, including
young children, to expand its deadly trade,” says Dr. Douglas Bettcher,
Director of the WHO’s Department for the Prevention of Non-communicable
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