Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The 1 Best Calendars for 2014

For most of my life the yearly Girl Scout calendar was the only one I ever used. Once in awhile someone would give me a pretty wall calendar or a funny page a day calendar as a gift for Christmas but most of the time -- the trusty Girl Scout Calendar was enough.
My partner, on the other hand, has some calendar fetish. We have calendars in pretty much every room of the house. A plain calendar that fits into some white board organizer on the refrigerator that we're supposed use for important dates and info. (This year, I was the only one to have written anything on that calendar. Google Calendar has taken the place of the family dates/events calendar so I'm hoping we won't need to buy another one of those in 2014. )
The kitchen also has another wall calendar -- this year it's the Evanston Township High School calendar for some odd reason. In previous years it's been everything from old food posters to a talking fortune teller calendar. My favorite kitchen calendars are (and will always be) Kalyn Denny's magnet calendars. I look forward to that every year (and so do some of my fellow BlogHer staff members and editors.)
There's a Louise Hay wall calendar in our bathroom that I enjoy teasing my partner about every month (and I really do look forward to turning over the new month's page for that very reason.)
She also has Louise Hay page a day calendar that she never tears off on the actual day but tends to do three or four at once. Then she wanders around pasting the pages up and tucking them into people's desks and backpacks and such. (I walk around behind her and pull the darn things down and throw them away because otherwise they end up on the floor or the puppy shreds them up and there's paper every where.)
The other bathroom usually has a calendar of pretty flowers or weird toilets or funky fire hydrants and all of the kids (as well as TW's mom) have calendars of some sort in their bedrooms yet I'm not sure any of us ever know the actual date.
You're probably thinking I'm not a fan of giving calendars as gifts, based on what I've just told you about the calendars in my own home. You would be incorrect. I love giving calendars to family members for Christmas. I've given vegan recipe calendars to the vegans. Animal calendars to the vegan animal lovers. Inspirational women calendars to my feminist daughters. Page-a-Day Sudoko to my mom. While I don't think we need one in every room of our home, I do think everyone needs a nice calendar (maybe two - max) and here are my favorites for this year.

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