Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Must-Follow Mondays: Bloggers Giving Back By Rita Arens

Those of us on social media all day often get overwhelmed with all the bad things that go on in the world. This week, we're highlighting bloggers who are giving back -- or teaching us how to give back. There are plenty of good things and good people in the world, too, and we'd like to recognize these five bloggers who are doing their part to let their lights shine.
MFM badge

Young House Love

Sherry and John from Young House Love are remodeling a a room at the Children's Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, focusing on the winter holiday season. Check out how they turned a corporate-looking waiting room into a winter wonderland for sick kids.

Burgh Baby

Michelle from Burgh Baby is in her fifth year of the Christmas Crazy. Last year, she raised more than $10,000 for Pittsburgh-area children in need.

Adventures of Esther and Jacob

A Cedar Spoon

Julia at a Cedar Spoon has put together a great list of 20 ways to give back this holiday season. Many of them, such as writing cards to hospitalized children or people in the armed forces, are free.

Libero Network

Kelsi at Libero Network writes about giving back through the act of writing itself. She writes: "It has always been difficult for me to believe my past experiences could somehow help others. Through writing, however, I have found I can reach more people than I ever dreamed possible." Perhaps the one thing we can all do right now, this very moment, is take inspiration from Kelsi and give a bit of ourselves via blogging.
Know more bloggers to who are giving back this holiday season? Leave your recommendations in the comments.
Rita Arens is the author of the young adult novel The Obvious Game and the deputy editor of BlogHer. Find more at www.ritaarens.com.

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