This is the gift I made this holiday season that I wanted to keep for myself. But that wouldn't be fair for the originally intended recipient, now would it?
So I may be making a second one someday. Until then, I will share with you.
You can't go wrong with this gift to your favorite blogger or cook. It is useful and practical while still being personal and hand-crafted.
How-To Make a Personalized Recipe Book
To start, collect your favorite recipes. I chose to primarily use recipes from my own blog and some of my other favorite food blogs, with a few select cookbook recipes thrown in. You'll want to either stick to a theme or collect a good variety of recipes so that you don't get to the end only to realize that you have all appetizer and dessert recipes and no entrees.
I wrote out some of the recipes by hand, and printed the rest. The printed recipes were backed by patterned paper, since the printer paper is so thin.
Next, get some coordinated paper. Ideally, you should have some solid pieces (on which to write recipes directly) and some patterned pieces (for backing your printed recipes, quotes and divider pages). Double-sided paper is best. Almost all of the paper I used was from Basic Grey's Nook & Pantry collection. The food- and kitchen-themed package seemed appropriate, no?
Finally, you'll need a photo album with plastic protective sleeves. I used a 3-ring photo album that holds two 4"x6" pictures per page.
Oh, and one more optional addition: favorite quotes and personal messages for the recipient. Since I was giving this book to Heather, I chose some of my favorite comments on my blog and titled each one "Then Heather Said..."
To make the recipe cards, cut paper to fit your protective sleeves. If you don't have enough recipe to fill all the sleeves, put the extra page protectors in the back so that the recipient can add their own recipes over time!
Add some fun and personality with your quotes and messages, along with sketches and special instructions as you see fit. Some examples:
To make the divider pages, cut out a rectangle that is about 1" wider and 1" taller than one of the protective sleeves. Leave a tab on the outer edge upon which to write the recipe category.
If you don't like the look of the outside of your photo album, cover with decorative paper.
Assemble and gift. Be prepared for excitement when the gift is opened!
Update! I’ve created printable recipe cards to save you some time in your cookbook creation. Click here to find them!
What's the best gift you've ever given?
All photos courtesy of Heather
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