Story Highlights
- The Europe and Centra Asia (ECA) region remains one of the most energy intensive in the world, giving it ample room for improvement.
- Being less energy intensive is in the best interest of these countries and can be achieved by learning from those that have succeeded in this area.
- Ways to do this include appropriate pricing, good governance and monitoring and evaluating these programs to improve them over time.
A few lessons in energy efficiency policy can go a long way in Europe and Central Asia,
where despite improvements in the past two decades, many countries
remain highly energy intensive, according to a World Bank Group study.
Measures taken by countries that have succeeded in cutting their energy intensity – including the addition of environmental costs to energy prices, good governance through institutional capacity building with sustained monitoring and evaluation of energy efficiency targets, recognition of the varying needs across different sectors, and attention to detail such as knowledge sharing programs – can be used to guide countries whose energy intensity remains high, “Lessons Learned From Energy Efficiency Success Cases” found.
Why is this issue of particular focus in Europe and Central Asia?
A major reason is that there is an opportunity ready to be addressed: more than 60 percent of the primary energy used to provide energy services in the region is lost in processing or delivery. This means there is significant room for improvement and savings.
Also, the benefits derived from energy efficiency go beyond commercial considerations. Working on energy efficiency is the least expensive way for governments to improve their energy security. It is also the most effective method to reduce the negative environmental impacts of energy consumption. Additionally, industries would become more competitive, helping create jobs by increasing their market share.
Measures taken by countries that have succeeded in cutting their energy intensity – including the addition of environmental costs to energy prices, good governance through institutional capacity building with sustained monitoring and evaluation of energy efficiency targets, recognition of the varying needs across different sectors, and attention to detail such as knowledge sharing programs – can be used to guide countries whose energy intensity remains high, “Lessons Learned From Energy Efficiency Success Cases” found.
Why is this issue of particular focus in Europe and Central Asia?
A major reason is that there is an opportunity ready to be addressed: more than 60 percent of the primary energy used to provide energy services in the region is lost in processing or delivery. This means there is significant room for improvement and savings.
Also, the benefits derived from energy efficiency go beyond commercial considerations. Working on energy efficiency is the least expensive way for governments to improve their energy security. It is also the most effective method to reduce the negative environmental impacts of energy consumption. Additionally, industries would become more competitive, helping create jobs by increasing their market share.

More than 60 percent of the primary energy used to provide energy services in the region is lost in processing or delivery.

To be sure, the region did improve its energy efficiency in the
period from 1990 to 2007 – energy intensity dropped 32 percent in Europe
and Central Asia and EU-15 countries.
One key lesson gleaned from such reforms is to get energy pricing
right, the report found. But the approach to that could be different in
different countries. Of the countries that succeeded in getting their
energy intensities down, some increased energy prices rapidly, while
others did so in a more gradual manner and looked to civil society to
help make the process easier. Nearly all successful countries removed
energy price subsidies: those with the lowest energy intensity also
included environmental taxes. Including environmental taxes within
energy prices has not been easy, with governments careful about timing,
gaining political support and providing opportunities for everyone to
mitigate the impacts of higher prices through energy efficiency programs
and social safety nets for the poor. The point to be noted is that
energy prices are adjusted mainly to reflect all of the costs of energy
Developing an energy efficiency policy, setting targets and passing
laws and regulations to implement this policy is also important.
So are establishing an agency to monitor the energy efficiency
program and developing mechanisms to coordinate it among different
ministries and units, and ensuring that adequate low-cost financing is
made available to compensate for market rigidities and other external
factors. The best examples were countries that coordinated both
horizontally among Ministries at the Federal level and vertically at the
Federal, provincial and municipal levels.
These measures would need to be constantly monitored and evaluated.
Doing this would help high energy intensity countries to update their
energy efficiency programs as needed to adjust for changing conditions.
Energy efficiency reforms often work faster in the industrial sector
as compared to the residential sector. Policies that encourage
industries, particularly ones in the private sector, to cut energy costs
are crucial. The competitive environment within the EU implicitly helps
encourage energy efficiency programs as a part of cost consciousness
needed in a competitive market.
With the residential sector, taking a short-term approach (such as
setting energy requirements in new buildings), medium-term (addressed
through Buildings Certificates Programs) and long-term (through
designing nearly zero-energy buildings) approach would help address
energy efficiency issues, the report found.
Still, for energy efficiency measures to work, more work is
necessary. For example, making buildings energy efficient does not cost
more much more, while applying appliance standards and could be one more
way to achieve energy efficiency. Lastly, knowledge sharing programs
are also critical, the report found. The bottom line - good governance
with strong and sustained support for governments is key to success.
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media
Written by Jeff Bullas - 42 Comments
Categories: Content, Social Media
Categories: Content, Social Media

The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. Why? Because it is the least discussed and most misunderstood aspect of content utilization. It is also the most difficult and many SEO companies just avoid it … also, because highly relevant content, properly utilized, will produce naturally occurring, highly relevant backlinks … and these backlinks, both by quality and quantity, are what makes the difference between those on page 1 and everyone else.
So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”.
5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Lee Odden on a guest post for Social Media Today gives 5 great tips on how to take existing content and repurpose it and as he says “With the importance of content in online marketing, many businesses are hard pressed to come up with original articles, blog posts, videos, images, presentations, etc on a regular basis. There’s a myth that once you publish something, that all who matter will see it. That’s simply not true.
Here are 5 of many ways companies can repurpose content for marketing purposes in ways that are efficient and meet the needs of target audiences.
1. Turn Powerpoint Presentations into Articles and Blog Posts and vice versa. Companies that leverage public speaking involving PowerPoint presentations can leverage the research and content created for the presentation as a compliment or inspiration for supporting materials such as
- Content for a series of blog posts promoting the event for which the PowerPoint presentation was created.
- Blog posts or articles can serve as the structure for a presentation.
- Microblogging content for Twitter
- Video for YouTube
- Graphical diagrams
3. Break up a long article you’ve had published in a notable publication into a series of blog posts. Add unique introductions and summaries to each. Depending on the arrangement you have with publications that you submit articles to, there is ample opportunity to take key concepts from a long article and turn them into several blog posts. If the article is modular, then it can easily be customized for a different industry with new examples, but the same core message.
4. Repurpose press releases and rewrite conversationally as a blog post or article, linking out to relevant resources. It’s an interesting exercise to take a formal announcement and imagine how the same news would be explained conversationally, without marketing hype or PR speak. Do that and write it as a blog post including links to supporting articles, blog posts and resources within the post or at the end as recommended reading.
5. Revise old blog posts, updating titles, recent news references, examples and links to updated external resources. Blogging has been around long enough that there’s a substantial amount of content that continues to offer value, but is lost in the sheer volume of blog posts. The social web has a short attention span and if there have been substantial changes to a topic, it makes sense to revisit it and update with current supporting references.
Repurposing content for marketing will only work if the new articles, blog posts, videos, diagrams, presentations or other media offer value and are sufficiently different by search engines so as to not be categorized as duplicate content. There’s no question that in order to compete on today’s search marketing world, content plays a tremendous part.
So be creative get a few of the team together and brainstorm.There’s plenty of room for creativity in order to become more efficient with content marketing.
- Repurpose offline content for online use (ex: tradeshow videos converted to a series on YouTube)
- Mine sales and customer service conversations to develop online resources
9 Tips To Getting Inspired To Create Content
First to write great content you need to listen and understand your audience get to know the “personas” (courtesy of David Meerman Scott) of your target market (or markets) you need to
1. Share: Share Real Stories about your experiences. .If you want to know more about power of storytelling check out Copyblogger: I often find an experience that I have had that day or the week before can create an idea for a new piece of content (write it down in your diary immediately before it is forgotten)
2. Share Your Own Knowledge… don’t keep it to yourself, the new rules of marketing are about sharing your content so how else can anyone know about your personal or companies expertise. Your experience and expertise in your field will probably be of interest to others in your social community. This might be in the form of posts on your own blog, guest articles on other sites, how to videos, photo galleries, white paper PDFs, and more. Giving away your knowledge sets you up as an authority, earns respect, and helps you develop an audience. And isn’t that one of the main reasons you’re getting into social media in the first place? Because you’re trying to develop an audience of new prospects, customers, peers, business partners, or whatever.
3. Interview people that are seen as “Knowledge Leaders” in your industry This can be difficult initially but it gets easier as you become known. Ask your community what questions to ask and the content then basically writes itself and people love reading interviews with well known “knowledge leaders”
4. Run a Survey or Poll
5. Do a Top 10 List: This is sometimes called Linkbaiting and Matt McGee from his blog post linkbait in the offline world. Your list might be “5 Tips to Writing a Blog” or ”9 Resources for Using Facebook For Business” or The Top 10 News Stories in Your Industry For the Week” .. have some fun with this.
6. Disagree with someone on your blog post .. especially if you don’t agree and have some reasons for taking a contrary view
7. Comment on a Study or Survey in your Industry .. especially if it is a “Brand Name” survey such as Nielsen’s (They quite often have a poor headline and the great points they make are buried in academic speak)
8. Write a Great Headline .. To help you I have provided a link to copybloggers great post “How To Write a Magnetic Headline”
9. To Support your Content .. quote or link to authorites, knowledge leaders or examples where possible that lend your article authority and credibility.
So get to know the community and the types of content they like then spend your time and passion on content development. Once you know the people and what content plays well you do more of it, it isn’t easy and takes time and patience, this is whre passion comes in, if you love it, it isn’t hard but it is a mission…should you be prepared to accept it
What have you done to create content for your blog, website and the social media channels that you are using to deliver your content, What’s worked for you?
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2009/09/29/14-tips-to-source-and-create-great-content-for-social-media/#JJ8Lg4OoGZ1ucz7Y.99
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media
Written by Jeff Bullas - 42 Comments
Categories: Content, Social Media
Categories: Content, Social Media

The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. Why? Because it is the least discussed and most misunderstood aspect of content utilization. It is also the most difficult and many SEO companies just avoid it … also, because highly relevant content, properly utilized, will produce naturally occurring, highly relevant backlinks … and these backlinks, both by quality and quantity, are what makes the difference between those on page 1 and everyone else.
So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”.
5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Lee Odden on a guest post for Social Media Today gives 5 great tips on how to take existing content and repurpose it and as he says “With the importance of content in online marketing, many businesses are hard pressed to come up with original articles, blog posts, videos, images, presentations, etc on a regular basis. There’s a myth that once you publish something, that all who matter will see it. That’s simply not true.
Here are 5 of many ways companies can repurpose content for marketing purposes in ways that are efficient and meet the needs of target audiences.
1. Turn Powerpoint Presentations into Articles and Blog Posts and vice versa. Companies that leverage public speaking involving PowerPoint presentations can leverage the research and content created for the presentation as a compliment or inspiration for supporting materials such as
- Content for a series of blog posts promoting the event for which the PowerPoint presentation was created.
- Blog posts or articles can serve as the structure for a presentation.
- Microblogging content for Twitter
- Video for YouTube
- Graphical diagrams
3. Break up a long article you’ve had published in a notable publication into a series of blog posts. Add unique introductions and summaries to each. Depending on the arrangement you have with publications that you submit articles to, there is ample opportunity to take key concepts from a long article and turn them into several blog posts. If the article is modular, then it can easily be customized for a different industry with new examples, but the same core message.
4. Repurpose press releases and rewrite conversationally as a blog post or article, linking out to relevant resources. It’s an interesting exercise to take a formal announcement and imagine how the same news would be explained conversationally, without marketing hype or PR speak. Do that and write it as a blog post including links to supporting articles, blog posts and resources within the post or at the end as recommended reading.
5. Revise old blog posts, updating titles, recent news references, examples and links to updated external resources. Blogging has been around long enough that there’s a substantial amount of content that continues to offer value, but is lost in the sheer volume of blog posts. The social web has a short attention span and if there have been substantial changes to a topic, it makes sense to revisit it and update with current supporting references.
Repurposing content for marketing will only work if the new articles, blog posts, videos, diagrams, presentations or other media offer value and are sufficiently different by search engines so as to not be categorized as duplicate content. There’s no question that in order to compete on today’s search marketing world, content plays a tremendous part.
So be creative get a few of the team together and brainstorm.There’s plenty of room for creativity in order to become more efficient with content marketing.
- Repurpose offline content for online use (ex: tradeshow videos converted to a series on YouTube)
- Mine sales and customer service conversations to develop online resources
9 Tips To Getting Inspired To Create Content
First to write great content you need to listen and understand your audience get to know the “personas” (courtesy of David Meerman Scott) of your target market (or markets) you need to
1. Share: Share Real Stories about your experiences. .If you want to know more about power of storytelling check out Copyblogger: I often find an experience that I have had that day or the week before can create an idea for a new piece of content (write it down in your diary immediately before it is forgotten)
2. Share Your Own Knowledge… don’t keep it to yourself, the new rules of marketing are about sharing your content so how else can anyone know about your personal or companies expertise. Your experience and expertise in your field will probably be of interest to others in your social community. This might be in the form of posts on your own blog, guest articles on other sites, how to videos, photo galleries, white paper PDFs, and more. Giving away your knowledge sets you up as an authority, earns respect, and helps you develop an audience. And isn’t that one of the main reasons you’re getting into social media in the first place? Because you’re trying to develop an audience of new prospects, customers, peers, business partners, or whatever.
3. Interview people that are seen as “Knowledge Leaders” in your industry This can be difficult initially but it gets easier as you become known. Ask your community what questions to ask and the content then basically writes itself and people love reading interviews with well known “knowledge leaders”
4. Run a Survey or Poll
5. Do a Top 10 List: This is sometimes called Linkbaiting and Matt McGee from his blog post linkbait in the offline world. Your list might be “5 Tips to Writing a Blog” or ”9 Resources for Using Facebook For Business” or The Top 10 News Stories in Your Industry For the Week” .. have some fun with this.
6. Disagree with someone on your blog post .. especially if you don’t agree and have some reasons for taking a contrary view
7. Comment on a Study or Survey in your Industry .. especially if it is a “Brand Name” survey such as Nielsen’s (They quite often have a poor headline and the great points they make are buried in academic speak)
8. Write a Great Headline .. To help you I have provided a link to copybloggers great post “How To Write a Magnetic Headline”
9. To Support your Content .. quote or link to authorites, knowledge leaders or examples where possible that lend your article authority and credibility.
So get to know the community and the types of content they like then spend your time and passion on content development. Once you know the people and what content plays well you do more of it, it isn’t easy and takes time and patience, this is whre passion comes in, if you love it, it isn’t hard but it is a mission…should you be prepared to accept it
What have you done to create content for your blog, website and the social media channels that you are using to deliver your content, What’s worked for you?
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2009/09/29/14-tips-to-source-and-create-great-content-for-social-media/#JJ8Lg4OoGZ1ucz7Y.99
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media
Written by Jeff Bullas - 42 Comments
Categories: Content, Social Media
Categories: Content, Social Media

The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. Why? Because it is the least discussed and most misunderstood aspect of content utilization. It is also the most difficult and many SEO companies just avoid it … also, because highly relevant content, properly utilized, will produce naturally occurring, highly relevant backlinks … and these backlinks, both by quality and quantity, are what makes the difference between those on page 1 and everyone else.
So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”.
5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Lee Odden on a guest post for Social Media Today gives 5 great tips on how to take existing content and repurpose it and as he says “With the importance of content in online marketing, many businesses are hard pressed to come up with original articles, blog posts, videos, images, presentations, etc on a regular basis. There’s a myth that once you publish something, that all who matter will see it. That’s simply not true.
Here are 5 of many ways companies can repurpose content for marketing purposes in ways that are efficient and meet the needs of target audiences.
1. Turn Powerpoint Presentations into Articles and Blog Posts and vice versa. Companies that leverage public speaking involving PowerPoint presentations can leverage the research and content created for the presentation as a compliment or inspiration for supporting materials such as
- Content for a series of blog posts promoting the event for which the PowerPoint presentation was created.
- Blog posts or articles can serve as the structure for a presentation.
- Microblogging content for Twitter
- Video for YouTube
- Graphical diagrams
3. Break up a long article you’ve had published in a notable publication into a series of blog posts. Add unique introductions and summaries to each. Depending on the arrangement you have with publications that you submit articles to, there is ample opportunity to take key concepts from a long article and turn them into several blog posts. If the article is modular, then it can easily be customized for a different industry with new examples, but the same core message.
4. Repurpose press releases and rewrite conversationally as a blog post or article, linking out to relevant resources. It’s an interesting exercise to take a formal announcement and imagine how the same news would be explained conversationally, without marketing hype or PR speak. Do that and write it as a blog post including links to supporting articles, blog posts and resources within the post or at the end as recommended reading.
5. Revise old blog posts, updating titles, recent news references, examples and links to updated external resources. Blogging has been around long enough that there’s a substantial amount of content that continues to offer value, but is lost in the sheer volume of blog posts. The social web has a short attention span and if there have been substantial changes to a topic, it makes sense to revisit it and update with current supporting references.
Repurposing content for marketing will only work if the new articles, blog posts, videos, diagrams, presentations or other media offer value and are sufficiently different by search engines so as to not be categorized as duplicate content. There’s no question that in order to compete on today’s search marketing world, content plays a tremendous part.
So be creative get a few of the team together and brainstorm.There’s plenty of room for creativity in order to become more efficient with content marketing.
- Repurpose offline content for online use (ex: tradeshow videos converted to a series on YouTube)
- Mine sales and customer service conversations to develop online resources
9 Tips To Getting Inspired To Create Content
First to write great content you need to listen and understand your audience get to know the “personas” (courtesy of David Meerman Scott) of your target market (or markets) you need to
1. Share: Share Real Stories about your experiences. .If you want to know more about power of storytelling check out Copyblogger: I often find an experience that I have had that day or the week before can create an idea for a new piece of content (write it down in your diary immediately before it is forgotten)
2. Share Your Own Knowledge… don’t keep it to yourself, the new rules of marketing are about sharing your content so how else can anyone know about your personal or companies expertise. Your experience and expertise in your field will probably be of interest to others in your social community. This might be in the form of posts on your own blog, guest articles on other sites, how to videos, photo galleries, white paper PDFs, and more. Giving away your knowledge sets you up as an authority, earns respect, and helps you develop an audience. And isn’t that one of the main reasons you’re getting into social media in the first place? Because you’re trying to develop an audience of new prospects, customers, peers, business partners, or whatever.
3. Interview people that are seen as “Knowledge Leaders” in your industry This can be difficult initially but it gets easier as you become known. Ask your community what questions to ask and the content then basically writes itself and people love reading interviews with well known “knowledge leaders”
4. Run a Survey or Poll
5. Do a Top 10 List: This is sometimes called Linkbaiting and Matt McGee from his blog post linkbait in the offline world. Your list might be “5 Tips to Writing a Blog” or ”9 Resources for Using Facebook For Business” or The Top 10 News Stories in Your Industry For the Week” .. have some fun with this.
6. Disagree with someone on your blog post .. especially if you don’t agree and have some reasons for taking a contrary view
7. Comment on a Study or Survey in your Industry .. especially if it is a “Brand Name” survey such as Nielsen’s (They quite often have a poor headline and the great points they make are buried in academic speak)
8. Write a Great Headline .. To help you I have provided a link to copybloggers great post “How To Write a Magnetic Headline”
9. To Support your Content .. quote or link to authorites, knowledge leaders or examples where possible that lend your article authority and credibility.
So get to know the community and the types of content they like then spend your time and passion on content development. Once you know the people and what content plays well you do more of it, it isn’t easy and takes time and patience, this is whre passion comes in, if you love it, it isn’t hard but it is a mission…should you be prepared to accept it
What have you done to create content for your blog, website and the social media channels that you are using to deliver your content, What’s worked for you?
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2009/09/29/14-tips-to-source-and-create-great-content-for-social-media/#JJ8Lg4OoGZ1ucz7Y.99
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media
Written by Jeff Bullas - 42 Comments
Categories: Content, Social Media
Categories: Content, Social Media

The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. Why? Because it is the least discussed and most misunderstood aspect of content utilization. It is also the most difficult and many SEO companies just avoid it … also, because highly relevant content, properly utilized, will produce naturally occurring, highly relevant backlinks … and these backlinks, both by quality and quantity, are what makes the difference between those on page 1 and everyone else.
So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”.
5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Lee Odden on a guest post for Social Media Today gives 5 great tips on how to take existing content and repurpose it and as he says “With the importance of content in online marketing, many businesses are hard pressed to come up with original articles, blog posts, videos, images, presentations, etc on a regular basis. There’s a myth that once you publish something, that all who matter will see it. That’s simply not true.
Here are 5 of many ways companies can repurpose content for marketing purposes in ways that are efficient and meet the needs of target audiences.
1. Turn Powerpoint Presentations into Articles and Blog Posts and vice versa. Companies that leverage public speaking involving PowerPoint presentations can leverage the research and content created for the presentation as a compliment or inspiration for supporting materials such as
- Content for a series of blog posts promoting the event for which the PowerPoint presentation was created.
- Blog posts or articles can serve as the structure for a presentation.
- Microblogging content for Twitter
- Video for YouTube
- Graphical diagrams
3. Break up a long article you’ve had published in a notable publication into a series of blog posts. Add unique introductions and summaries to each. Depending on the arrangement you have with publications that you submit articles to, there is ample opportunity to take key concepts from a long article and turn them into several blog posts. If the article is modular, then it can easily be customized for a different industry with new examples, but the same core message.
4. Repurpose press releases and rewrite conversationally as a blog post or article, linking out to relevant resources. It’s an interesting exercise to take a formal announcement and imagine how the same news would be explained conversationally, without marketing hype or PR speak. Do that and write it as a blog post including links to supporting articles, blog posts and resources within the post or at the end as recommended reading.
5. Revise old blog posts, updating titles, recent news references, examples and links to updated external resources. Blogging has been around long enough that there’s a substantial amount of content that continues to offer value, but is lost in the sheer volume of blog posts. The social web has a short attention span and if there have been substantial changes to a topic, it makes sense to revisit it and update with current supporting references.
Repurposing content for marketing will only work if the new articles, blog posts, videos, diagrams, presentations or other media offer value and are sufficiently different by search engines so as to not be categorized as duplicate content. There’s no question that in order to compete on today’s search marketing world, content plays a tremendous part.
So be creative get a few of the team together and brainstorm.There’s plenty of room for creativity in order to become more efficient with content marketing.
- Repurpose offline content for online use (ex: tradeshow videos converted to a series on YouTube)
- Mine sales and customer service conversations to develop online resources
9 Tips To Getting Inspired To Create Content
First to write great content you need to listen and understand your audience get to know the “personas” (courtesy of David Meerman Scott) of your target market (or markets) you need to
1. Share: Share Real Stories about your experiences. .If you want to know more about power of storytelling check out Copyblogger: I often find an experience that I have had that day or the week before can create an idea for a new piece of content (write it down in your diary immediately before it is forgotten)
2. Share Your Own Knowledge… don’t keep it to yourself, the new rules of marketing are about sharing your content so how else can anyone know about your personal or companies expertise. Your experience and expertise in your field will probably be of interest to others in your social community. This might be in the form of posts on your own blog, guest articles on other sites, how to videos, photo galleries, white paper PDFs, and more. Giving away your knowledge sets you up as an authority, earns respect, and helps you develop an audience. And isn’t that one of the main reasons you’re getting into social media in the first place? Because you’re trying to develop an audience of new prospects, customers, peers, business partners, or whatever.
3. Interview people that are seen as “Knowledge Leaders” in your industry This can be difficult initially but it gets easier as you become known. Ask your community what questions to ask and the content then basically writes itself and people love reading interviews with well known “knowledge leaders”
4. Run a Survey or Poll
5. Do a Top 10 List: This is sometimes called Linkbaiting and Matt McGee from his blog post linkbait in the offline world. Your list might be “5 Tips to Writing a Blog” or ”9 Resources for Using Facebook For Business” or The Top 10 News Stories in Your Industry For the Week” .. have some fun with this.
6. Disagree with someone on your blog post .. especially if you don’t agree and have some reasons for taking a contrary view
7. Comment on a Study or Survey in your Industry .. especially if it is a “Brand Name” survey such as Nielsen’s (They quite often have a poor headline and the great points they make are buried in academic speak)
8. Write a Great Headline .. To help you I have provided a link to copybloggers great post “How To Write a Magnetic Headline”
9. To Support your Content .. quote or link to authorites, knowledge leaders or examples where possible that lend your article authority and credibility.
So get to know the community and the types of content they like then spend your time and passion on content development. Once you know the people and what content plays well you do more of it, it isn’t easy and takes time and patience, this is whre passion comes in, if you love it, it isn’t hard but it is a mission…should you be prepared to accept it
What have you done to create content for your blog, website and the social media channels that you are using to deliver your content, What’s worked for you?
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2009/09/29/14-tips-to-source-and-create-great-content-for-social-media/#JJ8Lg4OoGZ1ucz7Y.99
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media
Written by Jeff Bullas - 42 Comments
Categories: Content, Social Media
Categories: Content, Social Media

The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. Why? Because it is the least discussed and most misunderstood aspect of content utilization. It is also the most difficult and many SEO companies just avoid it … also, because highly relevant content, properly utilized, will produce naturally occurring, highly relevant backlinks … and these backlinks, both by quality and quantity, are what makes the difference between those on page 1 and everyone else.
So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”.
5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Lee Odden on a guest post for Social Media Today gives 5 great tips on how to take existing content and repurpose it and as he says “With the importance of content in online marketing, many businesses are hard pressed to come up with original articles, blog posts, videos, images, presentations, etc on a regular basis. There’s a myth that once you publish something, that all who matter will see it. That’s simply not true.
Here are 5 of many ways companies can repurpose content for marketing purposes in ways that are efficient and meet the needs of target audiences.
1. Turn Powerpoint Presentations into Articles and Blog Posts and vice versa. Companies that leverage public speaking involving PowerPoint presentations can leverage the research and content created for the presentation as a compliment or inspiration for supporting materials such as
- Content for a series of blog posts promoting the event for which the PowerPoint presentation was created.
- Blog posts or articles can serve as the structure for a presentation.
- Microblogging content for Twitter
- Video for YouTube
- Graphical diagrams
3. Break up a long article you’ve had published in a notable publication into a series of blog posts. Add unique introductions and summaries to each. Depending on the arrangement you have with publications that you submit articles to, there is ample opportunity to take key concepts from a long article and turn them into several blog posts. If the article is modular, then it can easily be customized for a different industry with new examples, but the same core message.
4. Repurpose press releases and rewrite conversationally as a blog post or article, linking out to relevant resources. It’s an interesting exercise to take a formal announcement and imagine how the same news would be explained conversationally, without marketing hype or PR speak. Do that and write it as a blog post including links to supporting articles, blog posts and resources within the post or at the end as recommended reading.
5. Revise old blog posts, updating titles, recent news references, examples and links to updated external resources. Blogging has been around long enough that there’s a substantial amount of content that continues to offer value, but is lost in the sheer volume of blog posts. The social web has a short attention span and if there have been substantial changes to a topic, it makes sense to revisit it and update with current supporting references.
Repurposing content for marketing will only work if the new articles, blog posts, videos, diagrams, presentations or other media offer value and are sufficiently different by search engines so as to not be categorized as duplicate content. There’s no question that in order to compete on today’s search marketing world, content plays a tremendous part.
So be creative get a few of the team together and brainstorm.There’s plenty of room for creativity in order to become more efficient with content marketing.
- Repurpose offline content for online use (ex: tradeshow videos converted to a series on YouTube)
- Mine sales and customer service conversations to develop online resources
9 Tips To Getting Inspired To Create Content
First to write great content you need to listen and understand your audience get to know the “personas” (courtesy of David Meerman Scott) of your target market (or markets) you need to
1. Share: Share Real Stories about your experiences. .If you want to know more about power of storytelling check out Copyblogger: I often find an experience that I have had that day or the week before can create an idea for a new piece of content (write it down in your diary immediately before it is forgotten)
2. Share Your Own Knowledge… don’t keep it to yourself, the new rules of marketing are about sharing your content so how else can anyone know about your personal or companies expertise. Your experience and expertise in your field will probably be of interest to others in your social community. This might be in the form of posts on your own blog, guest articles on other sites, how to videos, photo galleries, white paper PDFs, and more. Giving away your knowledge sets you up as an authority, earns respect, and helps you develop an audience. And isn’t that one of the main reasons you’re getting into social media in the first place? Because you’re trying to develop an audience of new prospects, customers, peers, business partners, or whatever.
3. Interview people that are seen as “Knowledge Leaders” in your industry This can be difficult initially but it gets easier as you become known. Ask your community what questions to ask and the content then basically writes itself and people love reading interviews with well known “knowledge leaders”
4. Run a Survey or Poll
5. Do a Top 10 List: This is sometimes called Linkbaiting and Matt McGee from his blog post linkbait in the offline world. Your list might be “5 Tips to Writing a Blog” or ”9 Resources for Using Facebook For Business” or The Top 10 News Stories in Your Industry For the Week” .. have some fun with this.
6. Disagree with someone on your blog post .. especially if you don’t agree and have some reasons for taking a contrary view
7. Comment on a Study or Survey in your Industry .. especially if it is a “Brand Name” survey such as Nielsen’s (They quite often have a poor headline and the great points they make are buried in academic speak)
8. Write a Great Headline .. To help you I have provided a link to copybloggers great post “How To Write a Magnetic Headline”
9. To Support your Content .. quote or link to authorites, knowledge leaders or examples where possible that lend your article authority and credibility.
So get to know the community and the types of content they like then spend your time and passion on content development. Once you know the people and what content plays well you do more of it, it isn’t easy and takes time and patience, this is whre passion comes in, if you love it, it isn’t hard but it is a mission…should you be prepared to accept it
What have you done to create content for your blog, website and the social media channels that you are using to deliver your content, What’s worked for you?
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2009/09/29/14-tips-to-source-and-create-great-content-for-social-media/#JJ8Lg4OoGZ1ucz7Y.99
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media
Written by Jeff Bullas - 42 Comments
Categories: Content, Social Media
Categories: Content, Social Media

The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. Why? Because it is the least discussed and most misunderstood aspect of content utilization. It is also the most difficult and many SEO companies just avoid it … also, because highly relevant content, properly utilized, will produce naturally occurring, highly relevant backlinks … and these backlinks, both by quality and quantity, are what makes the difference between those on page 1 and everyone else.
So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”.
5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Lee Odden on a guest post for Social Media Today gives 5 great tips on how to take existing content and repurpose it and as he says “With the importance of content in online marketing, many businesses are hard pressed to come up with original articles, blog posts, videos, images, presentations, etc on a regular basis. There’s a myth that once you publish something, that all who matter will see it. That’s simply not true.
Here are 5 of many ways companies can repurpose content for marketing purposes in ways that are efficient and meet the needs of target audiences.
1. Turn Powerpoint Presentations into Articles and Blog Posts and vice versa. Companies that leverage public speaking involving PowerPoint presentations can leverage the research and content created for the presentation as a compliment or inspiration for supporting materials such as
- Content for a series of blog posts promoting the event for which the PowerPoint presentation was created.
- Blog posts or articles can serve as the structure for a presentation.
- Microblogging content for Twitter
- Video for YouTube
- Graphical diagrams
3. Break up a long article you’ve had published in a notable publication into a series of blog posts. Add unique introductions and summaries to each. Depending on the arrangement you have with publications that you submit articles to, there is ample opportunity to take key concepts from a long article and turn them into several blog posts. If the article is modular, then it can easily be customized for a different industry with new examples, but the same core message.
4. Repurpose press releases and rewrite conversationally as a blog post or article, linking out to relevant resources. It’s an interesting exercise to take a formal announcement and imagine how the same news would be explained conversationally, without marketing hype or PR speak. Do that and write it as a blog post including links to supporting articles, blog posts and resources within the post or at the end as recommended reading.
5. Revise old blog posts, updating titles, recent news references, examples and links to updated external resources. Blogging has been around long enough that there’s a substantial amount of content that continues to offer value, but is lost in the sheer volume of blog posts. The social web has a short attention span and if there have been substantial changes to a topic, it makes sense to revisit it and update with current supporting references.
Repurposing content for marketing will only work if the new articles, blog posts, videos, diagrams, presentations or other media offer value and are sufficiently different by search engines so as to not be categorized as duplicate content. There’s no question that in order to compete on today’s search marketing world, content plays a tremendous part.
So be creative get a few of the team together and brainstorm.There’s plenty of room for creativity in order to become more efficient with content marketing.
- Repurpose offline content for online use (ex: tradeshow videos converted to a series on YouTube)
- Mine sales and customer service conversations to develop online resources
9 Tips To Getting Inspired To Create Content
First to write great content you need to listen and understand your audience get to know the “personas” (courtesy of David Meerman Scott) of your target market (or markets) you need to
1. Share: Share Real Stories about your experiences. .If you want to know more about power of storytelling check out Copyblogger: I often find an experience that I have had that day or the week before can create an idea for a new piece of content (write it down in your diary immediately before it is forgotten)
2. Share Your Own Knowledge… don’t keep it to yourself, the new rules of marketing are about sharing your content so how else can anyone know about your personal or companies expertise. Your experience and expertise in your field will probably be of interest to others in your social community. This might be in the form of posts on your own blog, guest articles on other sites, how to videos, photo galleries, white paper PDFs, and more. Giving away your knowledge sets you up as an authority, earns respect, and helps you develop an audience. And isn’t that one of the main reasons you’re getting into social media in the first place? Because you’re trying to develop an audience of new prospects, customers, peers, business partners, or whatever.
3. Interview people that are seen as “Knowledge Leaders” in your industry This can be difficult initially but it gets easier as you become known. Ask your community what questions to ask and the content then basically writes itself and people love reading interviews with well known “knowledge leaders”
4. Run a Survey or Poll
5. Do a Top 10 List: This is sometimes called Linkbaiting and Matt McGee from his blog post linkbait in the offline world. Your list might be “5 Tips to Writing a Blog” or ”9 Resources for Using Facebook For Business” or The Top 10 News Stories in Your Industry For the Week” .. have some fun with this.
6. Disagree with someone on your blog post .. especially if you don’t agree and have some reasons for taking a contrary view
7. Comment on a Study or Survey in your Industry .. especially if it is a “Brand Name” survey such as Nielsen’s (They quite often have a poor headline and the great points they make are buried in academic speak)
8. Write a Great Headline .. To help you I have provided a link to copybloggers great post “How To Write a Magnetic Headline”
9. To Support your Content .. quote or link to authorites, knowledge leaders or examples where possible that lend your article authority and credibility.
So get to know the community and the types of content they like then spend your time and passion on content development. Once you know the people and what content plays well you do more of it, it isn’t easy and takes time and patience, this is whre passion comes in, if you love it, it isn’t hard but it is a mission…should you be prepared to accept it
What have you done to create content for your blog, website and the social media channels that you are using to deliver your content, What’s worked for you?
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2009/09/29/14-tips-to-source-and-create-great-content-for-social-media/#JJ8Lg4OoGZ1ucz7Y.99
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media
Written by Jeff Bullas - 42 Comments
Categories: Content, Social Media
Categories: Content, Social Media

The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. Why? Because it is the least discussed and most misunderstood aspect of content utilization. It is also the most difficult and many SEO companies just avoid it … also, because highly relevant content, properly utilized, will produce naturally occurring, highly relevant backlinks … and these backlinks, both by quality and quantity, are what makes the difference between those on page 1 and everyone else.
So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”.
5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Lee Odden on a guest post for Social Media Today gives 5 great tips on how to take existing content and repurpose it and as he says “With the importance of content in online marketing, many businesses are hard pressed to come up with original articles, blog posts, videos, images, presentations, etc on a regular basis. There’s a myth that once you publish something, that all who matter will see it. That’s simply not true.
Here are 5 of many ways companies can repurpose content for marketing purposes in ways that are efficient and meet the needs of target audiences.
1. Turn Powerpoint Presentations into Articles and Blog Posts and vice versa. Companies that leverage public speaking involving PowerPoint presentations can leverage the research and content created for the presentation as a compliment or inspiration for supporting materials such as
- Content for a series of blog posts promoting the event for which the PowerPoint presentation was created.
- Blog posts or articles can serve as the structure for a presentation.
- Microblogging content for Twitter
- Video for YouTube
- Graphical diagrams
3. Break up a long article you’ve had published in a notable publication into a series of blog posts. Add unique introductions and summaries to each. Depending on the arrangement you have with publications that you submit articles to, there is ample opportunity to take key concepts from a long article and turn them into several blog posts. If the article is modular, then it can easily be customized for a different industry with new examples, but the same core message.
4. Repurpose press releases and rewrite conversationally as a blog post or article, linking out to relevant resources. It’s an interesting exercise to take a formal announcement and imagine how the same news would be explained conversationally, without marketing hype or PR speak. Do that and write it as a blog post including links to supporting articles, blog posts and resources within the post or at the end as recommended reading.
5. Revise old blog posts, updating titles, recent news references, examples and links to updated external resources. Blogging has been around long enough that there’s a substantial amount of content that continues to offer value, but is lost in the sheer volume of blog posts. The social web has a short attention span and if there have been substantial changes to a topic, it makes sense to revisit it and update with current supporting references.
Repurposing content for marketing will only work if the new articles, blog posts, videos, diagrams, presentations or other media offer value and are sufficiently different by search engines so as to not be categorized as duplicate content. There’s no question that in order to compete on today’s search marketing world, content plays a tremendous part.
So be creative get a few of the team together and brainstorm.There’s plenty of room for creativity in order to become more efficient with content marketing.
- Repurpose offline content for online use (ex: tradeshow videos converted to a series on YouTube)
- Mine sales and customer service conversations to develop online resources
9 Tips To Getting Inspired To Create Content
First to write great content you need to listen and understand your audience get to know the “personas” (courtesy of David Meerman Scott) of your target market (or markets) you need to
1. Share: Share Real Stories about your experiences. .If you want to know more about power of storytelling check out Copyblogger: I often find an experience that I have had that day or the week before can create an idea for a new piece of content (write it down in your diary immediately before it is forgotten)
2. Share Your Own Knowledge… don’t keep it to yourself, the new rules of marketing are about sharing your content so how else can anyone know about your personal or companies expertise. Your experience and expertise in your field will probably be of interest to others in your social community. This might be in the form of posts on your own blog, guest articles on other sites, how to videos, photo galleries, white paper PDFs, and more. Giving away your knowledge sets you up as an authority, earns respect, and helps you develop an audience. And isn’t that one of the main reasons you’re getting into social media in the first place? Because you’re trying to develop an audience of new prospects, customers, peers, business partners, or whatever.
3. Interview people that are seen as “Knowledge Leaders” in your industry This can be difficult initially but it gets easier as you become known. Ask your community what questions to ask and the content then basically writes itself and people love reading interviews with well known “knowledge leaders”
4. Run a Survey or Poll
5. Do a Top 10 List: This is sometimes called Linkbaiting and Matt McGee from his blog post linkbait in the offline world. Your list might be “5 Tips to Writing a Blog” or ”9 Resources for Using Facebook For Business” or The Top 10 News Stories in Your Industry For the Week” .. have some fun with this.
6. Disagree with someone on your blog post .. especially if you don’t agree and have some reasons for taking a contrary view
7. Comment on a Study or Survey in your Industry .. especially if it is a “Brand Name” survey such as Nielsen’s (They quite often have a poor headline and the great points they make are buried in academic speak)
8. Write a Great Headline .. To help you I have provided a link to copybloggers great post “How To Write a Magnetic Headline”
9. To Support your Content .. quote or link to authorites, knowledge leaders or examples where possible that lend your article authority and credibility.
So get to know the community and the types of content they like then spend your time and passion on content development. Once you know the people and what content plays well you do more of it, it isn’t easy and takes time and patience, this is whre passion comes in, if you love it, it isn’t hard but it is a mission…should you be prepared to accept it
What have you done to create content for your blog, website and the social media channels that you are using to deliver your content, What’s worked for you?
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2009/09/29/14-tips-to-source-and-create-great-content-for-social-media/#JJ8Lg4OoGZ1ucz7Y.99
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media
Written by Jeff Bullas - 42 Comments
Categories: Content, Social Media
Categories: Content, Social Media

The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. Why? Because it is the least discussed and most misunderstood aspect of content utilization. It is also the most difficult and many SEO companies just avoid it … also, because highly relevant content, properly utilized, will produce naturally occurring, highly relevant backlinks … and these backlinks, both by quality and quantity, are what makes the difference between those on page 1 and everyone else.
So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”.
5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Lee Odden on a guest post for Social Media Today gives 5 great tips on how to take existing content and repurpose it and as he says “With the importance of content in online marketing, many businesses are hard pressed to come up with original articles, blog posts, videos, images, presentations, etc on a regular basis. There’s a myth that once you publish something, that all who matter will see it. That’s simply not true.
Here are 5 of many ways companies can repurpose content for marketing purposes in ways that are efficient and meet the needs of target audiences.
1. Turn Powerpoint Presentations into Articles and Blog Posts and vice versa. Companies that leverage public speaking involving PowerPoint presentations can leverage the research and content created for the presentation as a compliment or inspiration for supporting materials such as
- Content for a series of blog posts promoting the event for which the PowerPoint presentation was created.
- Blog posts or articles can serve as the structure for a presentation.
- Microblogging content for Twitter
- Video for YouTube
- Graphical diagrams
3. Break up a long article you’ve had published in a notable publication into a series of blog posts. Add unique introductions and summaries to each. Depending on the arrangement you have with publications that you submit articles to, there is ample opportunity to take key concepts from a long article and turn them into several blog posts. If the article is modular, then it can easily be customized for a different industry with new examples, but the same core message.
4. Repurpose press releases and rewrite conversationally as a blog post or article, linking out to relevant resources. It’s an interesting exercise to take a formal announcement and imagine how the same news would be explained conversationally, without marketing hype or PR speak. Do that and write it as a blog post including links to supporting articles, blog posts and resources within the post or at the end as recommended reading.
5. Revise old blog posts, updating titles, recent news references, examples and links to updated external resources. Blogging has been around long enough that there’s a substantial amount of content that continues to offer value, but is lost in the sheer volume of blog posts. The social web has a short attention span and if there have been substantial changes to a topic, it makes sense to revisit it and update with current supporting references.
Repurposing content for marketing will only work if the new articles, blog posts, videos, diagrams, presentations or other media offer value and are sufficiently different by search engines so as to not be categorized as duplicate content. There’s no question that in order to compete on today’s search marketing world, content plays a tremendous part.
So be creative get a few of the team together and brainstorm.There’s plenty of room for creativity in order to become more efficient with content marketing.
- Repurpose offline content for online use (ex: tradeshow videos converted to a series on YouTube)
- Mine sales and customer service conversations to develop online resources
9 Tips To Getting Inspired To Create Content
First to write great content you need to listen and understand your audience get to know the “personas” (courtesy of David Meerman Scott) of your target market (or markets) you need to
1. Share: Share Real Stories about your experiences. .If you want to know more about power of storytelling check out Copyblogger: I often find an experience that I have had that day or the week before can create an idea for a new piece of content (write it down in your diary immediately before it is forgotten)
2. Share Your Own Knowledge… don’t keep it to yourself, the new rules of marketing are about sharing your content so how else can anyone know about your personal or companies expertise. Your experience and expertise in your field will probably be of interest to others in your social community. This might be in the form of posts on your own blog, guest articles on other sites, how to videos, photo galleries, white paper PDFs, and more. Giving away your knowledge sets you up as an authority, earns respect, and helps you develop an audience. And isn’t that one of the main reasons you’re getting into social media in the first place? Because you’re trying to develop an audience of new prospects, customers, peers, business partners, or whatever.
3. Interview people that are seen as “Knowledge Leaders” in your industry This can be difficult initially but it gets easier as you become known. Ask your community what questions to ask and the content then basically writes itself and people love reading interviews with well known “knowledge leaders”
4. Run a Survey or Poll
5. Do a Top 10 List: This is sometimes called Linkbaiting and Matt McGee from his blog post linkbait in the offline world. Your list might be “5 Tips to Writing a Blog” or ”9 Resources for Using Facebook For Business” or The Top 10 News Stories in Your Industry For the Week” .. have some fun with this.
6. Disagree with someone on your blog post .. especially if you don’t agree and have some reasons for taking a contrary view
7. Comment on a Study or Survey in your Industry .. especially if it is a “Brand Name” survey such as Nielsen’s (They quite often have a poor headline and the great points they make are buried in academic speak)
8. Write a Great Headline .. To help you I have provided a link to copybloggers great post “How To Write a Magnetic Headline”
9. To Support your Content .. quote or link to authorites, knowledge leaders or examples where possible that lend your article authority and credibility.
So get to know the community and the types of content they like then spend your time and passion on content development. Once you know the people and what content plays well you do more of it, it isn’t easy and takes time and patience, this is whre passion comes in, if you love it, it isn’t hard but it is a mission…should you be prepared to accept it
What have you done to create content for your blog, website and the social media channels that you are using to deliver your content, What’s worked for you?
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2009/09/29/14-tips-to-source-and-create-great-content-for-social-media/#JJ8Lg4OoGZ1ucz7Y.99
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media
Written by Jeff Bullas - 42 Comments
Categories: Content, Social Media
Categories: Content, Social Media

The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. Why? Because it is the least discussed and most misunderstood aspect of content utilization. It is also the most difficult and many SEO companies just avoid it … also, because highly relevant content, properly utilized, will produce naturally occurring, highly relevant backlinks … and these backlinks, both by quality and quantity, are what makes the difference between those on page 1 and everyone else.
So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”.
5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Lee Odden on a guest post for Social Media Today gives 5 great tips on how to take existing content and repurpose it and as he says “With the importance of content in online marketing, many businesses are hard pressed to come up with original articles, blog posts, videos, images, presentations, etc on a regular basis. There’s a myth that once you publish something, that all who matter will see it. That’s simply not true.
Here are 5 of many ways companies can repurpose content for marketing purposes in ways that are efficient and meet the needs of target audiences.
1. Turn Powerpoint Presentations into Articles and Blog Posts and vice versa. Companies that leverage public speaking involving PowerPoint presentations can leverage the research and content created for the presentation as a compliment or inspiration for supporting materials such as
- Content for a series of blog posts promoting the event for which the PowerPoint presentation was created.
- Blog posts or articles can serve as the structure for a presentation.
- Microblogging content for Twitter
- Video for YouTube
- Graphical diagrams
3. Break up a long article you’ve had published in a notable publication into a series of blog posts. Add unique introductions and summaries to each. Depending on the arrangement you have with publications that you submit articles to, there is ample opportunity to take key concepts from a long article and turn them into several blog posts. If the article is modular, then it can easily be customized for a different industry with new examples, but the same core message.
4. Repurpose press releases and rewrite conversationally as a blog post or article, linking out to relevant resources. It’s an interesting exercise to take a formal announcement and imagine how the same news would be explained conversationally, without marketing hype or PR speak. Do that and write it as a blog post including links to supporting articles, blog posts and resources within the post or at the end as recommended reading.
5. Revise old blog posts, updating titles, recent news references, examples and links to updated external resources. Blogging has been around long enough that there’s a substantial amount of content that continues to offer value, but is lost in the sheer volume of blog posts. The social web has a short attention span and if there have been substantial changes to a topic, it makes sense to revisit it and update with current supporting references.
Repurposing content for marketing will only work if the new articles, blog posts, videos, diagrams, presentations or other media offer value and are sufficiently different by search engines so as to not be categorized as duplicate content. There’s no question that in order to compete on today’s search marketing world, content plays a tremendous part.
So be creative get a few of the team together and brainstorm.There’s plenty of room for creativity in order to become more efficient with content marketing.
- Repurpose offline content for online use (ex: tradeshow videos converted to a series on YouTube)
- Mine sales and customer service conversations to develop online resources
9 Tips To Getting Inspired To Create Content
First to write great content you need to listen and understand your audience get to know the “personas” (courtesy of David Meerman Scott) of your target market (or markets) you need to
1. Share: Share Real Stories about your experiences. .If you want to know more about power of storytelling check out Copyblogger: I often find an experience that I have had that day or the week before can create an idea for a new piece of content (write it down in your diary immediately before it is forgotten)
2. Share Your Own Knowledge… don’t keep it to yourself, the new rules of marketing are about sharing your content so how else can anyone know about your personal or companies expertise. Your experience and expertise in your field will probably be of interest to others in your social community. This might be in the form of posts on your own blog, guest articles on other sites, how to videos, photo galleries, white paper PDFs, and more. Giving away your knowledge sets you up as an authority, earns respect, and helps you develop an audience. And isn’t that one of the main reasons you’re getting into social media in the first place? Because you’re trying to develop an audience of new prospects, customers, peers, business partners, or whatever.
3. Interview people that are seen as “Knowledge Leaders” in your industry This can be difficult initially but it gets easier as you become known. Ask your community what questions to ask and the content then basically writes itself and people love reading interviews with well known “knowledge leaders”
4. Run a Survey or Poll
5. Do a Top 10 List: This is sometimes called Linkbaiting and Matt McGee from his blog post linkbait in the offline world. Your list might be “5 Tips to Writing a Blog” or ”9 Resources for Using Facebook For Business” or The Top 10 News Stories in Your Industry For the Week” .. have some fun with this.
6. Disagree with someone on your blog post .. especially if you don’t agree and have some reasons for taking a contrary view
7. Comment on a Study or Survey in your Industry .. especially if it is a “Brand Name” survey such as Nielsen’s (They quite often have a poor headline and the great points they make are buried in academic speak)
8. Write a Great Headline .. To help you I have provided a link to copybloggers great post “How To Write a Magnetic Headline”
9. To Support your Content .. quote or link to authorites, knowledge leaders or examples where possible that lend your article authority and credibility.
So get to know the community and the types of content they like then spend your time and passion on content development. Once you know the people and what content plays well you do more of it, it isn’t easy and takes time and patience, this is whre passion comes in, if you love it, it isn’t hard but it is a mission…should you be prepared to accept it
What have you done to create content for your blog, website and the social media channels that you are using to deliver your content, What’s worked for you?
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2009/09/29/14-tips-to-source-and-create-great-content-for-social-media/#JJ8Lg4OoGZ1ucz7Y.99

Going through the school of
character learning is expedient for every man. It is not enough to say
that I have character and integrity. How can you know if you really have
character if your character has not been tested or tried?
It is so easy for us to say we have character when there is wealth, affluence, and good things of life all around. Stuffs like seven square meals per day, beautiful clothes to adorn the body, exotic cars to cruise around, access to qualitative health care facilities and good education, periodic vacations around the world and sophisticated gadgets to hype our esteem and also feel good.
You might have forgotten the smell or
the taste of hunger and lack. The pains of the underprivileged, you
probably have never tasted or smelt hunger, lack, embarrassment or
ridicule from landlord for delayed house rent payment, Or what it means
to drop out from school for inability to pay tuition fees, suffered the
humiliation of watching your parents or family neglected in the hospital
for lack of funds for medical bills, countless days without meals, the
list is endless.
It’s important for us to know and acknowledge that this is the daily reality of some people, yet they have not thrown in the towel and they still keeping holding onto faith.
Some or many of us have never really experienced these realities so how can we teach tenacity, determination, faith, self discipline, commitment, forgiveness and love.
Sometimes God allows our character to be tested through the fiery furnace of hunger, rejection, disappointment, delay, depression, humiliation, and loss so we can come out strong and our character refined so we can actually tell life stories that inspire others with and the lessons of our own experience.
Let's teach our children realities of life. Life is not a bed of roses. It’s important for them to know that there is difficult side of life which they may not be exposed to, which is outrightly the realities of others.
Let's tell them about love, compassion, forgiveness, gentleness, generosity, kindness, responsibility, respect, thankfulness, justice, righteousness, honesty etc. We can teach them to embrace these character traits.
Your money won't matter after a while but the traits and values you have entrenched in them. These values will speak for them and those are the things that will define them as they grow.
(Character Matters)

Going through the school of
character learning is expedient for every man. It is not enough to say
that I have character and integrity. How can you know if you really have
character if your character has not been tested or tried?
It is so easy for us to say we have character when there is wealth, affluence, and good things of life all around. Stuffs like seven square meals per day, beautiful clothes to adorn the body, exotic cars to cruise around, access to qualitative health care facilities and good education, periodic vacations around the world and sophisticated gadgets to hype our esteem and also feel good.
You might have forgotten the smell or
the taste of hunger and lack. The pains of the underprivileged, you
probably have never tasted or smelt hunger, lack, embarrassment or
ridicule from landlord for delayed house rent payment, Or what it means
to drop out from school for inability to pay tuition fees, suffered the
humiliation of watching your parents or family neglected in the hospital
for lack of funds for medical bills, countless days without meals, the
list is endless.
It’s important for us to know and acknowledge that this is the daily reality of some people, yet they have not thrown in the towel and they still keeping holding onto faith.
Some or many of us have never really experienced these realities so how can we teach tenacity, determination, faith, self discipline, commitment, forgiveness and love.
Sometimes God allows our character to be tested through the fiery furnace of hunger, rejection, disappointment, delay, depression, humiliation, and loss so we can come out strong and our character refined so we can actually tell life stories that inspire others with and the lessons of our own experience.
Let's teach our children realities of life. Life is not a bed of roses. It’s important for them to know that there is difficult side of life which they may not be exposed to, which is outrightly the realities of others.
Let's tell them about love, compassion, forgiveness, gentleness, generosity, kindness, responsibility, respect, thankfulness, justice, righteousness, honesty etc. We can teach them to embrace these character traits.
Your money won't matter after a while but the traits and values you have entrenched in them. These values will speak for them and those are the things that will define them as they grow.
(Character Matters)
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